A: No. Your bid includes all back taxes.
FAQ: All
Q: Will I have to pay the back taxes as well as my bid?
Q: What happens to the judgments, liens, mortgages etc., if there are any on the property?
A: The County makes no representation that any parcel is free from judgments, liens or mortgages. Research should be done prior to bidding.
Q: Can I visit the property or start working on the property if I am the successful bidder?
A: No. Possession of the property is forbidden until the deed is recorded with the Ulster County Clerk. Title vests upon the recording of the deed.
Q: Will I get clear title?
A: No. If your bid is accepted and approved by the Ulster County Legislature, a Quitclaim Deed conveying the County’s interest will be issued.
Q: What happens to the properties left over from the Auction?
A: A list of the properties left over from the auction is compiled and available about a month after the auction. Once the list is available, the properties are available for sale on a first come first serve basis.
Q: Can I purchase property at the Auction with a credit card?
A: No. Payment must be in the form of a certified check, cashier’s check, cash or money order.
Q: Can I bid online or over the phone?
A: No. You must be present or send a representative to bid for you.
Q: How often does Ulster County hold Public Auctions?
A: Once a year, generally in the Spring.
Q: When does my property become eligible for foreclosure?
A: Properties become eligible for foreclosure when a tax is three years old. Even if you have only one year of tax due, if that tax is three years old, you will receive a Notice of Foreclosure.
Q: Where do I apply for the STAR exemption? How do I find out what other exemptions I may qualify for?
A: Contact your town assessor to apply for or inquire about any exemption including STAR. Please note, the STAR exemption applies only to school taxes and is only applied to a primary residence. The STAR exemption does not apply to vacant land, commercial property, investment property or second/vacation homes.