FAQ: All

Q: Why does the County require proof of residency?

A: Ulster County pays the difference between the Resident and Non-Resident Tuition for each eligible County resident /student who attends a Community College located outside of Ulster County.  The Department of Finance is tasked by the County Executive with ensuring that costs paid by Ulster County’s taxpayers are in fact the County’s responsibility.

Q: Can I fax or email my application?

A: No.  A faxed or emailed copy of an application is not accepted.  The original notarized application must be mailed or hand delivered to the Ulster County Department of Finance along with supporting documentation.

Q: What if I have a Green Card or U.S. Visa?

A: The type of Visa you have determines if you are eligible to receive a County Certificate.  Please contact the Department of Finance for more information.

Q: What if I am a resident of another state but my parent is in the active military and stationed in Ulster County?

A: You are eligible to receive a Certificate of Residency from Ulster County if your parent is from another State/County and is stationed in Ulster County.

Q: If I am under the age of 18, can my parent or legal guardian sign the application for me?

A: Yes, if you are under the age of 18, your parent or legal guardian can sign the application for you.

Q: What if I do not have any documents or mail in my name?

A: If you were claimed on your parents Federal Income Tax and New York State Income Tax returns, a copy of each may be accepted to show that you are their dependent.  Along with this, you must submit current documentation (bill or mail) with your parents name and address to show Ulster County residency.

Q: What if my driver’s license is less than a year old?

A: If your driver’s license is less than a year old, the Department of Finance will accept a bill, bank statement or voter registration card that is dated at least one year from the date of application to prove New York State residency.  In addition, documentation is required to prove six month residency in Ulster County.

Q: What proof do I need to show my residency?

A: Usually a NYS driver’s license issued at least one year from the date of the application is used to prove the New York State residency requirement.  A bill or bank statement dated six months prior to the date of the application along with a current mailing may be used to prove Ulster County residency requirement.

Q: How do I become eligible?

A: If you have lived in New York State for over one year and in Ulster County during any time in the last six months, you are eligible for a partial certificate.  If you have lived in the County for all of the last six months you are eligible for a full certificate.

Q: Does the County evict the former owner of the property?

A: Evictions, if necessary, are the sole responsibility of the successful bidder once the deed has been recorded.
