A: Eligibility for nursing home care is complex, so it is best to contact the Veteran Services Agency office and speak with a Service Officer.
FAQ: All
Q: Does the VA provide nursing home care or assisted living care for veterans?
Q: Are National Guard and Reservists eligible for VA benefits?
A: Only if they have been activated for Federal military duty (mobilized), other than basic training.
Q: Can I get a home loan or mortgage from the VA?
A: The VA does not originate mortgages. It guarantees mortgages of eligible veterans. Veterans must obtain a VA Letter of Eligibility and then take it to their local bank or mortgage company. Visit the Veteran Services Agency office for assistance in obtaining eligibility.
Q: Can I order other records from my military service?
A: Yes, visit the Veteran Services Agency office for assistance in ordering personnel records, record of assignments, and other records.
Q: I lost or never got the medals/ribbons I earned in service. How can I get them?
A: Visit the Veterans Services Agency office for assistance in ordering medals/ribbons. The SF-180 order form must be signed by the veteran or next of kin.
Q: What if I don’t have my DD-214 Discharge?
A: Veteran Services Agency staff can help you order one from the St. Louis records center. Allow 4-6 weeks for delivery. Next of kin of deceased veterans may also order discharges (A death certificate is required). The SF-180 order form must be signed by the veteran or next of kin if deceased.
Q: Where do I get my Veteran Discount Card?
A: The Ulster County FAVOR card provides discounts to veterans at participating retail businesses. Visit the Veteran Services Agency office or the County Clerk’s office to obtain a card. A list of participating businesses can be found at: VendorListReport.pdf.
Q: Are VA benefits taxable?
A: Service-connected disability compensation and education benefits are not taxable. Other VA monetary benefits are usually taxable as ordinary income.
Q: How long does it take to process a VA claim?
A: Claims are completed and forwarded from Veteran Services Agency to the VA within 24 hours. VA claims processing is extremely backlogged and can take over a year to complete.
Q: How do I file a claim for VA benefits?
A: The claims process is complex and detailed. Forms vary depending on the benefit being applied for. It is recommended that you visit the UC Veteran Services Agency to speak with a Service Officer who has been trained and accredited for submitting claims directly to the VA on your behalf. Veterans may also do this on their own on the VA’s eBenefits website.